I am so sorry that once again Black & Brown people are catching more hell than everyone else. I have been encouraged by the fact that this deadly deja vu is forcing those in power to say words like "health disparities" and "racial inequity". What is annoying, however, is that those words are followed by confusion about why this is happening. What I would like those words to be followed by are statements about "systemic racism" as one of a long list of "social determinants of health" that are the cause of these disturbing statistics during a pandemic or not. Instead, I am concerned that this will once again lead to a discussion of the genetic and moral failings of people of color to keep themselves from getting sick and dying. This thought process will continue to absolve society from acknowledging, and taking responsibility for correcting the social injustices that are the real cause of illness and death.

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Thank you for your work. I came here to learn, and I appreciate you offering the opportunity to do so. I am struggling very much with the racial disparity in the impact of COVID-19. It's confounding and frustrating. I have "known" of it ("it" being systemic racism), but seeing how this is playing out in terms of life and death has further motivated me to learn how to help. I live in MI, and I have seen our state's racial statitics for COVID-19. Do you know if counties are tracking/providing the data?

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Gave you a quick shout out in my blog this morning. Thank you for articulating this so well. Sincerely, a big fan :)

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Thanks Kristen!

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Sticking up for your family and your culture is honorable. But can you please explain this idea of systemic racism when one of your own is saying Black people are not taking this as seriously? I could talk more about the poverty statistics, but first and most importantly is doing the simple thing by listening to the suggested guidelines to stay at home and be cautious. On this video, he clearly states as a Black man our black communities are thinking this is a white people disease. It affected Chinese people first and foremost. And if anything, Chinese descendants are taking the most of the racial bullying.


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This article isn’t about not taking the virus seriously. This article is about being afraid of how we’ll be perceived if we wear masks over our faces because of the systemic problems of being deemed suspicious and the possibility of police over-reaction. I can’t and won’t speak for all Black people everywhere. We aren’t monolithic. But I can tell you lots of Black people in my community have opted to wear winter scarves in hopes it makes us seem less threatening. Black people have to weigh multiple concerns and that is about the convergence of multiple systemic issues. As for your other two concerns- misinformation is everywhere and part of that misinformation was because media only reported on white people being sick for weeks. Lastly systemic racism toward Black peoples doesn’t mean others aren’t also experience racism. The racism people of color experience is often historically linked. I suggest reading Stamped From the Beginning or A Different Mirror to understand more.

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I guess the majority of the regions he spoke of are majority of black people. Therefore, gang related “masks” wouldn't really be a fear of the police being they are probably black as well. Also, a lot of cities are pushing towards masks and those are highly populated by black people as well. Again, masks wouldn’t conclude to a gang mentality. I don't know where you are located but I am just using those because that is what I have seen so far.

For the misinformation part, I think it wasn’t to not speak on behalf of black people because a large portion of media is pushed towards more liberal tendencies or ideaologies. Critical race theory runs high in those platforms. And you are definitely right that racism runs into all races. Black people have racial stigmas towards white people. Native Americans have bad vibes with Hispanics. You definitely are right there. I believe it will continue until Christ comes, but I do believe, being a Native American, I do not have systemic racial tension against me from my white brother and sisters. And if anything, I am more outnumbered than any other race. I am alone in this idea of race. But I have freedom knowing that Jesus has made me of equal value as you and any other person on this earth.

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Calvin, I don’t know how to respond to any of this, but it sounds like you are conflating systemic racism and interpersonal racism. I sincerely suggest you keep reading about this topic if interested in it.

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