So many times - and I know this will continue - I have had these epiphanies that tell me I don't have to be perfect to do good. And that I will never be perfect. There are so many people I admire and learn from in this world and because many of them I only see through forms of media, it seems like they are perfect in their activism, their change work. It's hard to remember that they are imperfect and inconsistent, just like me. So every time they share the ways they don't always get it right, or they get exhausted, or they have to limit their efforts to just one lane . . . it encourages me so much. When I look at them as if they are perfect, and I am at the same time so acquainted with my own failings, it makes me feel as though what good I can do is worth very little. Over time I have learned of the ways our culture teaches this all-or-nothing mindset and how unrealistic it is (for everyone!) and how it is actually used to keep people in despair and to discourage them from taking action. I have definitely not worked this all the way out of my self and still struggle with shame over not being the savior of the world so it is reminders like yours that help me stop focusing so much on myself and more on the people who don't have time for me to waste, more on the problems at hand and what I CAN do to affect change.

What am I DOING? I consider it my obligation to be carry my values with me into all spaces I inhabit, so I continue to work on being true to that even when it's hard (because people don't like it!). I made a career shift a few years ago and am still working on finding effective ways to bring my knowledge and values into an environment which resists these things. I'm spending more time becoming informed about and participating in local politics and trying to spend my dollars in ways that don't make everything worse. And I'm trying (always) to check myself and not get defensive when I hurt someone or make the wrong choice, and to make choices that are about real change/support/care and not about performance: being The Best White.

Thank you for this important reminder, Austin. I appreciate you so much!

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This is how I feel about continuing to wear a mask in this ongoing pandemic!!!

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Well said - Everything we do, big or small counts and especially if we share our positive ideas and actions it can inspire others. I feel many are over whelmed by the world problems and because they seem so daunting just choose to ignore them instead of dealing with the fear and dismay thinking about them causes.

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Thank you. I so needed this today.

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I have a podcast where we use 8 talking points and introduce by character traits rather than “what they do”, and we focus on bringing diverse voices to the table where we can both learn from others who are different from us, and also how to show up & support each other unapologetically. We focus on supporting women owned businesses, (especially BIPOC but not limited to) and talking about topics we’ve been told are taboo or inappropriate, but that we need to discuss because not discussing them is costing us our health. There’s a lot more I can do and this helps me to continue to seek, learn and unlearn and invite others to do that with me.

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I buy my books from bookshop.org. And I use bookshop links when I suggest books in my work newsletter. It's little but hopefully it matters.

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I love bookshop!

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