I have SO MANY THOUGHTS I need to process, but I’m especially struck by how triggered I was by the whole thing. I want to “anonymously” send this part from your piece to a WHOLE LOT of folks:

“But you know what I hope for white people who watched and were horrified? I hope they asked the question, ‘How are the Black women in my life having similar experiences?’ Or ‘In what ways am I acting like the firm’?” But I can’t...because the Weaponized Tears would emerge...

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I know, Sis. I know.

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My husband doesn't hold the title of a prince, but he is white. Meghan's experiences made me feel some kind of way because guess what, I softened my voice too. Until the summer of 2020 when the grandparents didn't feel the need to check in on their brown grandchildren. As we marched for black lives matter and posted our pics on Facebook, opinions from his side of the family began to bubble to the surface. We have yet to experience the multiracial-diversity-celebration-era. Our kids are still too black for one side too white for the other. And don't get me started on white women's tears. For me, Meghan definitely nailed the experiences of black girls, interracial marriage and biracial children.

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I see you. I hear you. And I believe you.

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Thank you. I appreciate you. We need you.

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The British press is unrelenting and racist Megan was the perfect cover for what we know to be true Britain is just as racist as any other society. I had to stop reading the things they write about her as a black woman it was too painful and as a counsellor who works with trauma I was seeing other black women in practice dealing with the trauma of racism. Whatever people’s opinion on her privilege or wealth one thing I know for sure and that is trauma is trauma it impacts you the same way whether rich or poor.

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Yes to all of this, Austin. My first thought when she told the story about the flower girl dresses was “well, that’s every wedding ever” and then “damn white women’s fake tears strike again!”

Thank you for sharing with us. Hope you take time for yourself, too ❤️

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Yes, this. And, yet another way in which M & H went high by not sharing names of individuals who had hurt them nearly, if not completely, beyond repair. I keep thinking why is it so hard for us to just believe people when they are vulnerable and share they are hurting and/ or struggling.

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Okay!!! Yass! Sidebar Would you know, that on Monday, in the Westminster Cathedral the royal family celebrated Commonwealth Day. That is the day when we

, the colonists are patronised by white people - and yes I'm white but the patronising of "their" "services" to the "dark" colonies. The people who were happily called g####w###g# by Prince Philip in the 50's & 60's & 70's etc. Who come to "outback" Australia to sit with first nations people but NEVER EVER say sorry for dispersion of the land called Terra Nullius aka empty land. And yes Prince Phillip gets heart surgery at 99yrs while black commonwealth people disproportionately die of COVID. I "read" the interview in live reporting as I don't have a TV. I understand your reaction and sit with it. I read the interview with no surprise as the once "glorious" commonwealth sinks slowly into the sea occasionally patronised by the useless supremely wealthy racist royals. Hugs from Australia.

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I had no idea that’s what commonwealth day is 👀

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Lol. I had no idea "commonwealth day" still existed! It used to be celebrated by our public school in oh...1965? But I was surmised to read that William and Kate would be hosting films showing them working with projects on sustainability in various African "commonwealth countries". Its all very very stale.

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Suprised to read. It felt very much like a response to the interview.

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The BBC did a show on why BIPOC people suffered so badly from Covid, highly recommend watching it

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Nothing was really that surprising, but what was different was how the need to protect "the firm" and the traditions no matter what harm is caused to others was spelled out so clearly. Harry's comment about the royals being trapped got me to thinking. It's easy to judge them, but I've had to ask myself the question - would I have the courage like Harry to stand up against the "norm" and systems that have benefitted me especially if there was a significant consequence to me? I am not a rebel by nature and as a life-long people pleaser, my emotional-programming is to want people to like me. I also find that don't always know how to express myself and have difficult conversations in the moment. So - praying for clarity and courage when the time presents itself.

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I’m probably not going to say this right, but I really appreciated Harry and his imperfections, his honesty, and his struggle for finding the right word. It was clear that he is on a journey and I can appreciate are that he did what it took to protect his wife even if he doesn’t quite understand it all.

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I agree. Until a person of color enters a white space, the person who loves, more than likely has no idea the racism exist (even if it was under the radar) until it hits them in the face. It's a shock to the system.

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Couple of thoughts.

1st having seen his mom go through this Harry should have known better, the House of Windsor, with a 1000 years of tradition, is unbending and unchanging. Adapt or die.

Secondly the British press is unrelentingly cruel and mean, they were the very definition of click bait. Absolutely agree that Meghan was treated differently than Kate, but less to do with racism and much more to do with appealing to people's more baser instincts. Kate is very white, very pretty and people, especially women, love the romantic side of the marriage. Meghan, biracial and especially American, was the perfect foil, nothing personal they say. Robot Murdoch has perfected the formula, why do you think Fox news is so profitable. Well that and the fact it’s the only Conservative view on TV, but I digress.

In other words while racism did play a role, it was only a small role.

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There's no such thing as racism "playing a small role" No. Such. Thing.

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No. Such thing

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Hi Rob. There is no such thing as racism having a small role. That's what good about coming to this page. We get to pull our heads in, and learn. If you need to push back with feelings of discomfort, then please just say, "sheesh, I'm discomfited". But the idea that you would point out items in the news that have nothing to do with you or the topic at hand is a push back. This is not the place for them.

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I’m curious on one point, what are your thoughts on ongoing issue censorship of Black and POC who don’t toe the correct line. I’m not referring to the Candice Owens of the world but middle class immigrants whose voices are being systematically repressed for holding the wrong opinions.

3 examples of this.

A POC lawyer in BC wrote an opinion piece on the recent court requirement to give your pronouns. Within hours of it being posted it was pulled, a grovelling apology issued and a push to censor her for having the wrong opinions was put in place.

Vancouver’s News 1130 pulled a tweet about a Black women because they're worried that her opinions about Black Lives Matter will "harm" Black people.

Finally and most disturbingly the really strange case of Ontario Court Justice Donald McLeod. A coalition of White Liberals, BLMers and White Supremacists worked in tandem to take down the only Black judge in Ontario again for holding the wrong opinions. The local BLM chapter went as far as to denounce him as an uncle Tom.

So do you agree that Black and POC voices need to be checked by white liberals to make sure it’s safe?

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I don’t know why you’re here. You’re not going to like it here. You should find a newsletter you like.

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I can approach a point of view even if I disagree with it. Which is the real shame of cancel culture, you¡re not supposed to listen to views you disagree with.

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Your choice. Just be clear about me and this community. Go back through other posts and decide if this is worth your time.

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I will, and I do apologise my coment wasn't intended to take away from your point of view.

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Hi Rob - This isn't just Austin's point of view or a difference of opinion between two people. It's about us as white people failing to understand and consider the experience of people of color in a very white dominated world. And how could we when our history is so whitewashed? My culture/white culture has created laws and social standards to specifically exclude people of color. I've learned to recognize and acknowledge blatant racism only after a lot of reading, studying black history, and personal reflection through a Witnessing Whiteness group. And I still have emotional responses and questions and fail to see it because I'm so used to experiencing the world as a white woman. There are places where white people can debate and wrestle with the big questions and feelings, but his space offers me to hear a really important voice and to learn.

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