Why join?

I don’t have many promises to give. I plan to be helter-skelter. I plan to be rebellious. I plan to break the rules. Sometimes you will find my musings on the world, on politics, on Christianity, on social justice. Sometimes you might just get a list of book recommendations or a poem. This is my playground. The place where I can be goofy and serious, bold and unsure, thoughtful but still change my mind as soon as I push publish. I’ll share any fun updates happening in my world- like new books or exciting projects (more joy!!) I publish weekly, but sometimes I get talkative and post more. When an email does show up from me, what I can promise is that I made a special effort not to waste your time.

Hope you enjoy!

Subscribers + Backers

I really appreciate that you would even consider financially supporting my work. You probably know that things are difficult to antiracist writers, speakers, consultants and activists right now. The 2020 trend has died and many of us are scrambling for support. So your consideration to show up means the world to me.

Here on substack, you are welcome to become a subscriber or backer, but all posts are public. But hear me out… I do have a patreon community where you can become a paid member and receive special benefits, the most important of which is access to a community of antiracism change makers. By supporting me work, here or on patreon, you are helping me build an antiracist body of work as I dream, build and prepare for the future. I’m returning to myself- WildHolyFreeBlackWoman. And one big reason why I have the freedom to do so, is because of your support.

Thank you for reading about this space.

Subscribe to Wild Holy & Free

blackness. justice. beauty. love. dignity. humor.
