Right now the administrators of our federal government are working to erase our work. Though many of them have likely never attended a "DEI" training, they are nonetheless aware of the amazing strides your work has made. Departments have been embedded in your organization, budgets have been erected, hiring practices have been adjusted, language has become more inclusive, expectations for belonging have been raised. And they are big mad.
So mad in fact, that they are trying to erase our work through executive orders, funding threats, office closures, and accusations of harm. But we know better.
Our work has changed people's lives. Your work has changed people's lives.
And I imagine you are tired. And maybe scared. And maybe feeling alone. And definitely feeling frustrated. I imagine some of you are fired up, and others of you are exhausted. I imagine some of you have great leadership teams supporting you and others are feeling completely isolated. So I want to offer a virtual event where you can receive some community care with others just like you.
Join me on Tuesday, February 11th at 8pm ET.
To be clear, this is not a webinar to upsell you on a paid course. This is not an organizing call to lead a boycott or march or sit-in. I just want to be of support to you.
In my book I'm Still Here, I have a list called "10 ways to survive racism at an organization that claims to be antiracist". I’d love to walk you through that list, offering examples, stories and alternatives. My hope is to instill a sense of empowerment without sacrificing the truth of where we are. And we'll use the last 30 minutes of our time together for Q&A.
This free event is foremost for DEI practitioners, but advocates of this work are also welcome to join, as I do plan to discuss how to support the DEI practitioners in your life. I encourage you to forward this to specific folks in your circles whose hearts might be in need of some care.
Hope to see you there!