Hey friends,
I am practically bursting with excitement as I type these words… it’s time to launch my new book IM STILL HERE - Loving Myself In a World Not Made For Me!! At this point, you can imagine me tossing confetti and blasting some Whitney Houston in celebration because thats what I’m doing on the inside.
And I need you. Yes, YOU!
If you are reading this, it means you are already one of my greatest supporters - you’re among the people who have read my book and requested that your library stock it or purchased a copy for your boss or neighbor. You are my people. And I would love to personally invite you to be on my launch team!
If you’re ready to sign up - here’s a link to do that!
Maybe you have some questions (I certainly did as I’ve never run a launch team before)! Let me try to answer a few:
What’s this launch team going to be like?
Every author does this differently, but I’m committed to a few things: 1. not wasting anyone’s time, and 2. creating opportunities for connection. The plan is to read a few chapters together, invite special guests to chat with us, and take some action steps to tell everyone about the importance of this book. To join the launch team, all you need to do is pre-order the book and sign up. I’ll take care of the rest!
What do I get out of signing up?
The book won’t be released until April 4, but by joining my launch team you will get a chance to read it NOW! My publisher will give you access to a digital copy of the book! You will also get access to exclusive parts of the book that no one else will get to read AND a curated list of focused chapters to read AND events with some incredible guests (trust me you won’t want to miss these).
Why does a launch team matter?
Writing a book is an incredibly solitary experience, so I am itching to hear from readers about what you loved, what struck a nerve, what resonated in any way. Also, this is an industry where pre-orders and book reviews determine a lot of a books interest from bookstores, libraries, what gets featured by the media, and might even determine the display location in a store. Plus I’m really trusting that you will like this book and tell your people about it. Almost nothing makes me more excited about a book than when a friend gushes about one they’ve just read. I hope you gush.
Austin’s thoughtful, buoyant writing will invite readers to follow her worthy example. Stirring and thought-provoking, this one will set many young people on their own paths to activism.
Kirkus Review
I really hope you join me for this book launch. Sign up here! And I’m so glad that you’re still here!