Dear Troublemakers,
How you doing? How was the weekend? You wake up tired? I know I did. On Saturday my husband was outside raking leaves when he came across a giant evergreen that quietly and mysteriously had fallen completely over alongside our house. Luckily, no one was hurt and it appears nothing was damaged. But it hadn’t been storming and the tree as far as we could tell was healthy, so why did this happen?
I’ve been finding myself returning to “the why” in many areas of my life besides horticulture. I usually have about a million ideas spinning in my head or keeping me up at night, and unchecked I could just keep doing, without ever really needing to check in with myself. Mentors recently have been inviting me to slow myself down and sit with my motivations. It has been incredibly helpful. It helps my ideas fit with a larger purpose, likely a much more sustainable one.
So as it relates to you and your good trouble/anti-racism work, what’s your why? Would love to hear.