Dear Troublemakers,
How are you doing? How’s your week been?
If you follow me on IG, you might have seen that its been a rough few days in my little world - nothing gossipy - just the result of being a real human with a body that doesn’t always cooperate. As I was fighting the instinct to withdraw, two of my best friends dropped everything to be with me - hopping on planes and driving to see me. To be with me. Their presence mattered so much. It didn’t change my circumstances but it made me feel less alone and that is no small thing.
I was overwhelmed by their love.
Today I have a feeling I’m not the only one overwhelmed As we watch in horror as our public health care, schools, and immigration systems and institutions show (yet again) their blatantly racist and unjust ways, its tempting to throw our hands in the air saying and believing we can’t do anything to change the circumstances. We might even be kinda right.
But I would like to hold space with you the way my girlfriends held space…