Hello Troublemakers!
Happy New Year (we’re still allowed to say this on January 9th, right?)! How are you?! I hope the first week of 2023 has treated you well. I’m excited about so many plans I have for you + me this upcoming year.
Speaking of plans… I love a planner. I never actually use it for more than a couple months, but I love love love the idea of pen and paper and a routine of checking it and writing in it. Sigh. But it just never works long term for me. So this year, I didn’t buy one. Instead I found a great reflection/intention guide and I really enjoyed it. It’s from YearCompass and also it’s free!
Two of the many questions it asks is “how did you make the world better” in 2022 and “how do you plan to make the world better in 2023?” For 2022, one of my proudest moments was voting for reproductive rights in Michigan. But of course, the thing I was most consistent at in 2022 was writing. What will my intention be for 2023? Well, still writing.
And friends, can I tell you that my one word response feels really small. I mean I’ve worked with those who are unhoused. I’ve served at pantries. I’ve volunteered with teens in group homes. And now I sit on my couch and… write.
And for the millionth time, I had to remind myself that this is my calling, my entry point into the liberation struggle. I fight with a pen.
Some days that feels like a big deal- when I’m reading hate mail. Or when I see that something I’ve written resonated. Or I end up being interviewed because something I wrote changed someone’s perspective. But some days it feels really small compared to organizing or policy making or [insert other cool things here].
And that made me wonder if you sometimes you feel a little insecure or feel that your justice goal just isn’t “big enough.” Here are my little tricks when I start to feel small- #1 I remind myself of other people who I admire greatly because they were writers (and that list is loooooong) and #2 I remind myself that we are a community. My work matters because your work matters too. We are in this together and it’s all of work, all of our collaboration, all of our sharing that moves us toward liberation. My thing isn’t small and neither is yours. It can’t be because our work adds up to a communal reimagining of reality.
And that can only ever be exciting! So even if your goal or calling or intention seems small, know that we celebrate your contribution to the cause.
1. Black women, this speech from Solange is incredible and made me feel seen with every word she spoke!
2. Did you all read this article about the Tents - a New York Secret Society of Black women that has roots all the way back to the Underground Railroad?
The Tents have not disappeared. In fact, their membership is growing, and they have ambitious plans for the future. But first, they have an urgent item on their agenda: saving the headquarters."Give to their gofundme!
4. Are you looking for a bit of a reset this January? My team over at Herself Media and I put out this podcast last year called FULL RESET and let me tell you, it will serve you well to listen. Plus all the episodes are named after our favorite R&B and hip-hop songs (I’m looking at you “Let’s Talk About Sex” lol).
"My silence has not protected me. Your silence will not protect you." - Audre Lorde (I'm on an Audre Lorde kick which you might notice if you follow me on IG).
Grateful for you. Stay wild + holy + free.
- Austin
PS Get ready a super exciting announcement coming your way this week! Any guesses?!?