Hi Troublemakers,
Many of you have noticed how much I have been naming my exhaustion when it comes to the way I've been doing antiracism work. I'm grateful for the space you have given me to discuss this openly and support me as I work through what to do next. Part of my process has included paying close to attention to the things that bring me joy in antiracism work and the things that leave me feeling weary.
Friends, hanging out with you always brings me joy!
At the end of every single Troublemaker gathering, I text Jenny some variation of "I love them so much!" and I do. You all ask such thoughtful questions. You are humble and gracious and kind to one another. You are perceptive and you are funny! And I want more.
So… we are moving!
Instead of just having a newsletter and a once a month gathering through substack, we are heading over to Patreon.
Patreon offers us many more tools! We will continue to convene regularly. And this newsletter will continue to go out (via patreon). But we'll be able to do so much more! There I can post much more regularly. I can also communicate via video or audio. We are also going to have a Troublemaker discord channel so that we can all chat with one another more regularly.
And if I may be transparent, I'm also hopeful that in the long-term I will be less reliant on the trendiness of racial justice. Right now I pay my bills based on speaking gigs and book sales. When racial justice is en vogue, I have to turn down business. But when its not... I start having panic attacks. What a gift it would be, to not focus so much on whether or not I’m "relevant" and pour into a community that I know is down for the cause.
You in?
Here's what happens next. You've got a couple options:
1. You can cancel your Substack paid subscription. Then head over to Patreon to join our new community.
2. You can wait until May 31. On May 31, I will cease all substack subscriptions (which will give you a refund according to when you joined). And then you can hop over to patreon.
I'm very excited about this, friends. Very excited indeed.
I hope you love the Patreon format. Of course I will follow you over there. Wishing you peace and love.
Very excited for this. Hope it will be good for you.